Saturday, June 12, 2004
The Log Cabin
As you know I'm all crazy about Soju... and if you're interested in some more trivia - any decent soft drink in Korea would cost you 600-700 Won, and the lovely bottle of Korean Vodka would cost you trifle more, just 890 Wons... so eat your heart out!
Now comes the best part. There's this place in POSTECH called "The Log Cabin", and before you get any ideas - No! that's not what the Maths Laboratory is called! I dont know even if their exists one! Why the hell do Mathematicians need labs anyways, just lotsa pots for them to keep their thinking juices (yechh :-p) flowing!
It's the on-campus pub! Yes... it's a pub and it's ON CAMPUS!! It's beautiful. It's cheap and it's a great place to get drunk!

And to boot, it's not got one, but two floors. This is a pic of the second floor. It's awesome man!
A shot of the first floor.
This is a shot of the first floor taken from the second floor.
It was freaking hard to take these pics. All in low light... with the camera up on some chair or some table, and down to a 1" or 2" shutter speed. It's a miracle that you can see something in these pics!
The chicken you get here is amazing! I can't really describe it... it looks almost raw, but it's got this lovely flavour to it... dip it in the accompanying sauce, some mayonnaise, and the shredded cabbage! Yum! And top it off with some Soju! Cambaa!!
Well, the pics are dissapointing - cuz it was next to impossible to take them in such low light without the tripod.
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